Building Your Brand
Posted by Donna Bella on
Have you ever thought of yourself as a brand? As a stylist, you’re not just a title, you’re a brand. Your work will always speak for itself but essentially, your reputation is what makes you unique and keeps your services in demand. The way you conduct business is part of your branding and as a rule of thumb you should always under promise and over deliver. With that being said let’s look at some ways you can build your brand using Donna Bella Hair.
Use the product. It’s easier to sell a product when you believe in it. Can we all agree with that? So if you’re wearing extensions to work, it’s more than likely your clients will notice and inquire about the details. It’s easier to get the conversation started once they can see the finished product, especially on their trusted stylist. Look at it this way, your appearance is part of your brand. It’s okay to have clients covet your hair (it gets the ball rolling) wink, wink.
Schedule appointments appropriately. The biggest turn-off and the one thing that can affect your branding is how you schedule your appointments. Donna Bella Hair requires shipping, therefore, it is best that you order your products at least 4 to 5 days before your scheduled appointments. If you doubt you’ll have the product on time, don’t over promise and under deliver by scheduling the appointment anyway. Take care of your client and take care of your brand. Some clients may have made sacrifices to be at their appointment (flying in from out of town, scheduling a babysitter, or maybe driving long distance) it’s way better to schedule with more than enough time to be fair to both of you— and avoid any disappointments.
Side-note: Try not to overlap your appointments. We’re human and at times we will be running late. Maybe a color took longer to process or a few hair extension strands needed to be re-done. If you can avoid overlapping appointments by giving the next client a heads up then do so. But always make sure you schedule your appointments with some leeway in case you need those extra minutes. Clients see a hair appointment as their personal time and there’s nothing worse than losing a client because of something so small as your timing.
Be strategic with your business cards. Want your business cards to really stand out? Take the perfect before and after photo of a Donna Bella Hair client and use it for the front of your business cards. Some of you may already be doing this but for those that haven’t caught on, don’t fall behind! Transformation photos are powerful and as a stylist, you should show them off every chance you get. Your business card should represent you and your brand. What better way than on your cards?