Coloring News — Hair Extensions


Making a Difference with Hair Extensions – Coloring Interview with Bobby Sue York

Posted by Donna Bella on

Making a Difference with Hair Extensions – Coloring Interview with Bobby Sue York

SALON SUCCESS How do you get started in the Color Takeover revolution? Stylists who have grown their business with extensions and hair color share their journeys, tips and advice. BOBBY SUE YORK Salon Owner and Extensions Specialist Salon Diva K Kansas City, MO @salondivakc I went to cosmetology school just to learn extensions. I had already been wearing extensions myself for five years. After graduating, I worked one year for a large, upscale salon and spa, then went straight to a hair-extensions-only salon. We were hidden away in a nondescript office, at a time when no one wanted it known...

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A New Look at Fashion Ombre

Posted by Donna Bella on

A New Look at Fashion Ombre

The Ombre, with its smooth transition between colors, is a coveted color effect, and one perfectly suited for custom coloring extensions. You don’t need to stick to blondes, browns and burgundys if you don’t want to though, as myriad fashion options exist for the style. Follow along with our tutorial on creating a Fashion Ombre and be sure to reference our video, featuring stylist Ashley Rocks, for closer reference! As a crash course in Ombre history: It’s a french word which literally means “shaded” in English and is used to refer to the blending of one color into another. Its...

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Pastel Dos and Don’ts

Posted by Donna Bella on

Pastel Dos and Don’ts

It’s a new age, and that means we’re not living in grandma’s world of acceptable hair coloring anymore! Bold and vibrant fashion colors and every constituent variation in-between have long since become mainstream-acceptable, with celebrities and fashion icons splashing bits of neons and pastels into their look the world over. We love it! Still, there’re a few things to remember when going pastel, so here’s our quick list of pastel dos and don’ts. Do: Experiment: Go crazy! Whether it’s a splash of bubblegum pink, zips of green, or an all-over Easter Egg look you’re going for, remember that it’s ok...

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Pastel Unicorn Hair

Posted by Donna Bella on

Pastel Unicorn Hair

Before/After It’s a new time. Where traditionally, coming into work with a green streak in your hair would get a write-up from your boss, now bold fashion colors are a norm that’s becoming more and more accepted in mainstream society. At Donna Bella, we’re thrilled at the development because it opens the door for SO many awesome color combinations stylists can achieve by coloring their hair extensions and working them into the mix. Whether working with mermaid colors, strong neons, or the increasingly popular Pastel Unicorn effects, here’s why stylists and clients alike are turning to less conventional hues for...

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Back-to-School Makeover

Posted by Donna Bella on

Back-to-School Makeover

New school year, new look! At least that’s how we think every girl should show up to her new school year. With Donna Bella Hair extensions, you have so many options to create your new look. From dramatic to subtle, here are some of our top picks for that back-to-school makeover: New length. Want to wow the crowd? You can’t go wrong with added length. The best part about this makeover is that you’re not dealing with any chemicals from coloring. Choose from straight, curly, or wavy then choose your method (tape-in, kera-links, or i-links). Of course you can choose...

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