Using Toner on Hair Extensions
Posted by Donna Bella on
When it comes to coloring your hair extensions, there are various methods and tools you can use. Depending on the permanence of the look you want, the shade you’re trying to accomplish, or the shade of your natural hair, different color products and combinations will bring about different results. Within the varying subcategories of custom coloring, we occasionally get asked about using toner on hair extensions.
It’s a good question. Toner—occasionally called gloss—is a semi-permanent color. Unlike semi-permanent color that deposits pigment on top of the hair to alter the shade, toners contain small amounts of ammonia to change the chemical pigment in the hair shaft. While we can never condone bleaching hair extensions outright, toners are OK if you follow these directions. Traditionally, toners are used to alter the brassy tones in hair after it’s been bleached, specifically to eliminate the dreaded “zebra stripes” effect of a harsh dye job. It works by taking different shades of orange and yellow and neutralizing them to blonde, silver or pastel for a softer blend. Toner lasts anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks, depending on how often the client hair, and hair care regimen.
To add toner to newly colored blond hair extensions, simply treat them like you would real hair. Shampoo them, lay them out and color them with the most gentle gloss or toner you can. Never walk away from the extensions because they can tone really fast (though they can also take longer than usual). So it’s really important to keep an eye on them. Sometimes you may even have to tone more than once to get your desired effect.
To dry your newly toned extensions, simply lay them out on a towel to remove excess water from them. This works much more effectively than wringing them out. Once the extensions are dry, brush them out (we recommend using the Donna Bella Hair Extensions Brush) to eliminate flyaways and tangles.
Additional Tips When Toning Hair Extensions
- Always perform a strand test first to ensure it’s not going to turn your extensions a color you hadn’t planned!
- Never bleach your extensions. While toners contain trace amounts of ammonia which has lightening effects, bleach and peroxide will dry your extensions out into an irreversible state.
- Treat your extensions as you would your own hair. They’re a product that requires regular maintenance and care to stay looking good, and will last longer when they’re cared for.
That’s all there is to it! For more info, tips, and hair extensions tricks, stay tuned to the Donna Bella Color Takeover Portal.