20 Sep
You’ve probably been hearing a lot of talk about breast cancer lately. October is Breast Cancer awareness month, but breast cancer – and other types of cancer – is a reality all year round. It affects so many people and their families each year, it can seem overwhelming. The good news that there are a few simple things you can do to help.
In September and October, Donna Bella offers a special promotion to help support the National Breast Cancer Foundation. There are several ways you can get involved and help those in your community.
Buy and wear pink hair. Salons and stylists across the country are installing pink hair for a $10 donation. Donna Bella is donating 50% of all pink hair profits to National Breast Cancer Foundation. You can become a participating salon here.
Donate directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Your donation helps provide mammograms for women in need and supports breast health services, education, and support for those in need.
This is the third year that Donna Bella has participated in this program. Salons all across the country have been stepping up and making a difference, raising money for research and free mammograms for women in need.
Learn more about Donna Bella’s program by visiting www.pinkstrandsforthecause.com