Three young girls, two kindergartners and a 4th grader, donated their hair to Locks of Love. This was the 4th graders 3rd time donating. As this is the 3rd year their school has held a drive for Locks of Love.
If you want to donate to a good cause too, and happen to live in the Atlanta , Ga area, the third annual "It's Just Hair" cut-a-thon will take place on Monday, May 18 from 2 to 8 p.m. at Taylor Brooks Salon, which is located at 11550 Jones Bridge Road in Alpharetta.
The cut-a-thon was started by a young girl named Jenna Cooley and her mom Diane, when they decided to do something to help other young girls like Jenna, whom was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, an incurable auto-immune disease that causes hair loss.
For find out where you can donate in your area go to: