Telling that special someone, it's not all yours.
Don't laugh. Whether your extensions create more volume or give you that extra length; there comes a point in every relationship where you might need to have "the talk."
When? For new wearers this is a frequently asked question. Within days of getting the extended locks they naturally feel like your own. You are comfortable and confident leaving those around you, including your partner, clueless to the makeup of your gorgeous "do". However, one day, maybe soon, in a moment of spontaneous intimacy... hands will run through your gorgeous head of hair to perhaps notice the tiny bead-bonds holding it securely to your own.
This might feel strange and unexpected to the inexperienced. So pre-mentioning the additional hair and giving your significant other a heads up is recommended. You'll realize this conversation can turn into a learning opportunity, your now educated partner appreciates and understands your beauty secret.
With hair extensions becoming more common, affordable, and accepted, perhaps one day this kind of "pillow talk" will be unnecessary and nonexistent for those of us with lucious locks.