21 Apr
It's no surprise that just about anything that's fashionable these days has some association with being eco this or that, or simply labeled "green." While we sort of find this band wagoning obnoxious, if a product actually has sustainable merit we can't thumb our nose for too long.
This month's featured article over at Launchpad covers the many eco-friendly products available to salons and consumers alike. Here's a snip from the article by Jeryl E. Spear :
Don your green armor and join the fight! Once thought of as eco-freaks, those traveling the green and narrow highway are now being touted as eco-chic—and not an eco-moment too soon. Instead of living within the Earth’s annual income, modern societies are consuming its capital as though it were a fire sale of global proportions, and replenishing their “take” with dubious waste products and chemicals that are now being brought to task for their negative impact on Earth...and human life. Taking a proactive stance, many savvy salon owners are becoming eco-warriors dedicated to helping right the ecosphere—one small green victory at a time.