If you're looking to change things up for that special date, a night on the town, or your company's holiday party, look no further - the search may be over. Donna Bella's new clip in hair extensions, Clip In Clip Out, offer amazing ease of use at an affordable price.
Choose from either 100% human hair or synthetic clip in extensions, both are simple to put in and will have you looking like you spent an afternoon in the salon and thousands of dollars. For a fraction of the price, you can add volume, length, and style with clip in hair extensions.
Donna Bella Milan's Volume Add clip in hair extensions come in both 100% human hair as well as 100% heat friendly synthetic fiber. Amazingly, both of these styles will curl and flat-iron and can be styled just as you would your own hair. Both the human hair clip in and the synthetic clip in styes come in 16" lengths and 9 colors.
Each pack contains 8 wefts of hair at varying lengths and run $140 per pack for the human hair, and $61 per pack for the synthetic clip in extensions.
Click here to start shopping for your very own clip in extensions!