18 Feb
February 18, 2011
I love wearing extensions during the warm summer months and I especially like the look of long hair at the Jersey Shore. My natural hair color lightens dramatically because of lengthy exposure to the sun but the color of my hair extensions don’t fade like my own hair. What is the best way to keep the colors matched?
Karen S. – Wildwood, New Jersey
You have a couple of solutions.
Your first choice is to have your stylist create an early summer makeover by coloring you hair the shade that is normal lightens to during the hot summer months. That way, you get the new look immediately.
New color probably means that you will want new extensions. Extensions are usually replaced every three to six months. Schedule new extensions for the entire calendar year so that you get fresh extensions and the appropriate color at the beginning of the warm weather.
The other option may be to double up on your summer color appointments. Keep your hair the same natural color by visiting your beautician more often. That is especially important if you prefer your natural darker shade over the shade that the sun dictates.
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