28 Feb
Cindy Crawford owes the editors at fashion bible Vogue for her trademark beauty spot - because she came close to removing it until they decided it was in vogue. Crawford grew up getting teased about the mole, which went on to help turn her into one of the first supermodels.
She considered having it surgically removed after agency bosses suggested it would hinder her career. But when Vogue put her on the cover, blemishes and all, she decided the beauty spot should stay. She recalls, "I think it was still 'the jury is still out', until I did my first Vogue cover and when Vogue put me on the cover without re-touching it, and that was like, 'If it's good enough for Vogue, it's good enough for everybody.'"
Now, Crawford accepts her beauty spot is probably more famous than she is. She adds, "I should insure it like people insure their legs."