06 Aug
It’s time to put another myth to rest: “Hair extensions are breaking off my hair.”
Let’s first define “breakage”. Broken hair means that the bead, bond, or tape has completely been ripped off of your scalp, leaving you with an extremely short or bald patch of hair with nothing attached to it. It would look like someone cut off the strand along with the extension bond. These situations rarely happen and it’s pretty hard to do unless you take a pair of scissors or rip them off yourself.
The truth: Hair extensions DO NOT break off your hair. Shedding, however, is very common.
You will know if you are experiencing normal shedding when you have a few stray hairs that aren’t connected to your scalp but are still in the bead, bond, or tape. If you’re human, you shed hair daily whether you wear hair extensions or not. The average woman loses between 50 and 100 strands of her natural hair per day, and can lose up to 150 strands. You tend to notice it more when wearing hair extensions because you can see the stray hairs that are loose. Of course, there’s a chance you’re experiencing more than average, if you’re not gentle on your extensions.
Things such as not brushing with a hair extensions brush can lead you to ripping your own hair out. Hair extension brushes are made especially for this reason. The teeth from a regular comb, will in fact, snag on the roots of your hair where the extension was placed. Keeping your extensions pulled back tightly is another reason you may experience “more than average” shedding. Your natural hair is being place tightly secured into the extension bond so it’s best to keep all hair styles loose.
To recap; if you’re experiencing breakage, the hair along with the bead, bond, or tape would not be attached to your head. If you’re experiencing shedding; a few stray hairs aren’t connected to your head but are still connected to the bond, bead, or tape. In that case, you have nothing to worry about it as it is completely normal.
Thanks for reading! Have a question or concern? Leave it in the comment box below.