You are boring enough with your hair style. It seems that you need to change your hair style as soon as possible. Hey, do you want to try something new? It is guaranteed that you would love your transformation. Here, you should try feather hair extension. It would help you to create a new image. Moreover, this hair extension would beautify your hair than ever. Do not you want to try these hair accessories?

Before you purchase those feather hair extensions, it would be better for you to know some important things related with them.

To begin with, we are going to talk about the main types of feather hair extension. It is important for you to know about the types. Here they are. The first type is the synthetic feather hair extension. They are made of high quality fibers. The second type is the natural feather hair extension. There are some farmed birds whose feathers used to make the hair extension. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the birds. It means that the feathers are not taken from any endangered bird species. Here are the farmed birds: Emus, Pheasant and Rooster. Basically, there are no significant differences between synthetic feather hair extension and the natural one. However, the natural one brings the different atmosphere to the wearer.

Next, you should know how to maintain the feather hair extension. There are four main steps in maintaining the feather hair extension. The first is cleaning them by using the mild shampoo. If you do not know which brands those are mild enough, then you could use the baby’s shampoo. You have to make sure that you have rinsed the soapy bubbles from your feather hair extension. The second step is drying the feather hair extension using the hair dryer. Do not ever use the high temperature. You might damage your feather hair extension. You are suggested to use the low or mild temperature to dry them.

Lastly, it is about the price of feather hair extension. You might think that you could not afford them. It is totally wrong. The costs of feather hair extension are affordable. It costs $5 to $ 200. Certainly, it depends on the quality, the types of the feather hair extension and the colors. You could choose the one that matches your hair color and your budget. It is not difficult to find the hair salons which sell them. Moreover, you also could buy them in the internet stores.