Business is slow all over for many salon owners as clients are going longer between cuts and scaling back on styles. With every down there is an up, and vice-versa, but it does look as though things may be sluggish for a while yet.

Hair news site Behind The Chair has a great article this month on tips to survive a (dare we say it) recession. We'll list the first one here, but then head on over to BTC for the rest of the goods - you will need to register for a free account.

1. Spread the love
Many salon leaders think that traditional advertising is the best way to attract new clients. But the secret to new clients is actually sitting in your chair right now. That’s right, existing clients are the very best way to build your books. First of all, your clients love you, and if you simply let them know that you have some openings in your schedule and you’re trying to build your business, they will be more than happy to help. Secondly, you love your clients, so what would be better than to ask them to bring in people just like them? One important tip—be sure to reward your existing clients (with a free add-on or product) when a referral comes in. That’s the way you spread the gratitude…and the love!

Check out BTC's article on surviving a slowing economy here.