Developing your hair extension skills and collecting a killer set of hair extension tools are only part of the process of setting up an enviable hair extension practice. One major--unforgettable--piece of the formula is securing a set of loyal hair extension clients. Whether you’re an early-career extension stylist or a long-time practitioner, it always helps to brush up on your customer service game, and today we’re dishing up some insight on the pillars of customer satisfaction, as well as how...
Hair fusion--or what we like to call Kera-Link extensions--can be a bit daunting to the uninitiated. As one of our most distinguished and enduring methods, Kera-Link requires precision, confidence, and expertise for optimal effects. In other words, there’s little room to make mistakes! That being said, hair fusion doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’re not already a fusion stylist, make it a mission to master this technique in the new year so you can bring even more hair extension...