03 Jul
Happy 4th of July, gorgeous! We’re briefly interrupting your festivities to bring you this important message: have you checked your extension tools lately? Some of you have been working with our products for many years now—others of you are just getting started collecting all the pieces for your DB tool kits. Either way, it’s imperative you know the status of your tools—where they are, how many there are, what condition they’re in, etc. Because your tools are an extension of your hands and skills during an extension installation, you’ll want to make sure they’re doing you justice. Here are just some of the reasons why you should be taking inventory on the regular, and some tips for how to get it done!
To keep things together.
Things can get hectic during a typical salon day, and it’s not unusual to find you’ve misplaced an item or two, or forgotten to order that new bottle of Tape-In Remover. Don’t fall into this situation with your go-to extension tools! Not having your tools around when you need them delays your appointments, exposes the tools themselves to environmental hazards, and comes off as generally unprofessional to your clients. Keep all of your tools together in one designated place, and revisit it at the beginning/end of your work day to make sure they’ve found their way back safely (or have been adequately replenished for upcoming appointments). Make sure to keep the tools stored neatly in this space to avoid unnecessary wear-and-tear!
To ensure quality.
Speaking of wear-and-tear—it’s basically inevitable that, after years of use, your tools will start to get a little rough around the edges. Though our tools are designed to last for hundreds of installations, the installation process can be hot, sticky, and/or messy, and your tools will need to be maintenanced and occasionally replaced. This is especially true of Kera-Link tools, which are exposed to unusually harsh installation conditions. Without proper cleaning and attention, Melting Connectors may accumulate a coat of keratin residue on top of the heating plates which can impair the function of the tool, or—worse yet—burn the client’s hair off by concentrating the heat. Similarly, The Classic Hair Extension Tool may get worn out over time, developing fine grooves or scratches on its surface that could compromise I-Link beads. Inspect your tools from time to time to make sure they’re in good condition, and restore them whenever possible. As a last resort, you can always re-order them—we keep all our essentials fully stocked.
To stay up-to-date.
Donna Bella is constantly adding new tools and devices to our starting line in an effort to make your job as easy as possible. Just recently we introduced the Kera-Link Connector Belt, a wearable, heat-safe belt that allows you to move around your work area with your activated Melting Connector by your side. Before that, we launched the Strand Organizer, the Styrofoam Mannequin Head, the Keratin Bond Cutters, and more. Not to mention, we have more tools on the way! Check in with us regularly to make sure your extension routine is fully up-to-date with the latest products. If you’re signed up for DB emails, we’ll also let you know when new tools become available.
This month, we’re offering 20% discounts on select hair extension tools. From now until July 9th, 2017, take 20% off all Kera-Link tools. And don’t forget to come back next week for more tool-related savings!