10 Jan
At this point, there’s really no debating social media’s staying power. It’s become a ubiquitous entity in our lives, one which fosters boundless communication and an unprecedented access to information in a matter of mouse-clicks. For this reason alone, many businesses have taken to social media as another avenue to connect with existing or potential customers. Companies of varying sizes utilize social media to keep their followers in the proverbial “loop,” alerting them to new products and offerings, advertising sales or by hosting promotions and giveaways.
However, we don’t all own businesses (or want to!). Some of us simply want to use our various social media platforms to read and share interesting news links and funny YouTube videos or chat with old friends and family members. The user gets what they want from it. That's the beauty of social media.
At Donna Bella, we recognize this versatility and we’ve also found that, regardless of their different social media proclivities, our customers love sharing their hair extensions experiences online! We welcome “before and after” pictures, or other testimonials regarding our products. These can be posted on our Facebook page, either on the wall or in a private message. We also welcome any of these submissions via Email, info@donnabellahair.com.
Besides these methods of sharing, we're thrilled to offer a new way for our customers to review their favorite products directly on the Donna Bella Hair website! Here’s how it works:
1. Visit our Website
2. On the left-hand column of the home page, you’ll see a list of Donna Bella products. Click the product you've purchased that you wish to review. For example, if you purchased 16” I-Link Pro Straight #4 Extensions, just click into the product.
3. Once the product page comes up, click the “What Customers are Saying” button, located between the “Installation Tips” and “Product You May Like” buttons.
4. From here, you'll be given the option to write a review or even to upload your own personal video review. Both of these can be done by following the prompts on the pop-up.
We recognize the tremendous power of online sharing and welcome all our customers to contribute their hair extensions experiences in any capacity. Your posted reviews help other hair extensions customers, and create an extensive and continuing dialogue among hair extensions fans and users worldwide!
Furthermore we read what is posted, and continually strive to cultivate the best and most user-friendly experience for all customers, whether it’s purchasing, installing or maintaining their hair extensions. So next time you’re on the site, why not post one of your own product reviews? It's quick, easy and it makes a huge difference!