As much as we hear, “New year, new me” you would think people would act on it more. I mean, who wouldn’t want a complete makeover for 2016? If you started the year with short hair, why not go long? If you’ve always coveted a hair color, why not go for it using Donna Bella Hair? Let’s face it, changing hair color is easier than going to the gym to shed those new year resolution pounds or getting a new...
Because Kera-Links are installed strand by strand, plan on spending a good amount of time removing them. Unlike the Bond Remover for Donna Bella Hair Tape-Ins, the Kera-Link Bond Remover needs more time to be absorbed. The key is to be patient, especially if your client wants them rebonded for another use. If they are planning on reusing the hair, let them know that the hair will lose some length due to the old bond tips being cut off. You...
Since we’re on our I-Link series, let’s clear up another misconception about I-Link Hair extensions, shall we? As we scroll through social media, we see a ton of amazing work and mind-blowing creations made with Donna Bella Hair extensions, and, once in a while, we’ll come across a picture that makes us want to reach out and give a stylist a few pointers. So here’s our next pointer to keep in mind when installing those little micro-bead hair extensions: do...
What no tip? We’re not talking money, we’re talking I-Link tips. Let’s continue our series on I-Links with the installation. Pictured below is an I-Link installation No-No. The tips on I-Links should never be poking out this far. Why you may ask? The constant poking of the tips on the client’s scalp when she lays down or pulls her hair up will cause great discomfort for her. Could you imagine walking around with hundreds of little strands poking at your...
Now that we are the end of our Tape-In blog series, we hope you’ve had most of your questions answered. We know it was a lot of information to take in so we’ve taken some of the questions you’ve emailed us with and dedicated this blog to that. Q: My Tape-Ins are slipping. What causes that? A: If your client is experiencing early slippage, it could either be the improper installation done by the stylist or the mismanagement by the client....