Doesn’t it seem like we take a million pictures before choosing one that we actually like? Either our hair is too flat, too poofy, our smile is too big, or we aren’t smiling enough. Although we can’t really help you with your smile, we certainly can give you some tips for finding full proof picture-perfect hair. With holiday parties in full force, this might come in handy. Who doesn’t love a great bun? A safe and fast hairstyle that will...
You’ve gotten your extensions installed and you’re ready to show the world your new style. However, you’re not one to leave your hair stick-straight every day—you’re into glamorous curls and beachy waves, too! But now that your hair is longer and fuller, it takes more time to get those gorgeous styles, so now you’re on the hunt for tools that will help make styling as quick as possible! Fun fact: for the past year or two the new trend in...