Recently we’ve had a customer complain about the fact that her ends were frayed and split after her installation. Of course she was furious with the experience. After chatting with her and asking her some questions, we came to the conclusion that it wasn’t a manufacturing defect, it was her stylist that, in fact, had ruined the integrity of the hair. Our first clue was that she mentioned it was AFTER installation. What sealed the nail on the coffin: she...
Can you believe this is our last blog of 2014? It feels like it went by way too fast—but then again, time does fly when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Since this is the last blog of the year, you know we had to write one about the New Year’s Eve festivities. While some like to spend it at home cozying up with family or a significant other, others enjoy the big party and nightlife that can only be experienced...
Doesn’t it seem like we take a million pictures before choosing one that we actually like? Either our hair is too flat, too poofy, our smile is too big, or we aren’t smiling enough. Although we can’t really help you with your smile, we certainly can give you some tips for finding full proof picture-perfect hair. With holiday parties in full force, this might come in handy. Who doesn’t love a great bun? A safe and fast hairstyle that will...
To blowout your hair as perfectly as your stylist would, here are some do-it-yourself tips that should have you looking like you just walked out of a dry bar. Keep in mind that you should always be as gentle as you can with your hair extensions while performing these steps. Don’t tug on your connections as this will make them slip. Step 1. Start with a sulfate-free smoothing shampoo and conditioner. It’s not a good idea to apply heat to...
“The older you get the shorter the hair.” Who came up with this misleading concept anyway? One of the biggest mistakes you can make when getting older is to chop off your hair. Why? Having a real short hair cut adds years to your look because you’re calling more attention to your facial features such as lines and wrinkles. Any stylist will agree that the style is more important than length. So the short answer is no, you’re never too...